Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Soul Mates

Since my articles about love-making have reached an all time high in popularity, I thought I would send out another one. One never tires of the love-making theme.
I was the admitting nurse on my unit a few years ago. For 12 hrs straight, except for the mandatory pee break to keep my drawers dry, I admit patients and collect their history data. In a way, the questions have become downright nosey and yet I think this might have been a perk of the job.
One night, I got to admit a patient named Dorothy, an 84 yr old woman with vaginal bleeding. She was accompanied to her room by her devoted husband of 60+ years. Devoted is not the word I need to use here, let's just say that Dorothy and John were the same person.
This is how the question time moved along:
"How tall are you?"
"John, how tall am I?" Ok, I sense a problem here, but I move on.
"When was your last BM?" She immediately looked at John, who was starting to get on my nerves with his prancing about the room with the rat-a-tat of an annoying cane.
"Yesterday honey," he said and then felt like he needed to elaborate.
"We are on a 3- hr schedule and have been for years. We have a BM every morning and have for years. We get up and go to bed together for years!" Yeah, yeah!!
"We get up at night and wait outside the bathroom door," he added. I guess this made him think of the bathroom as he asked where one was? I happily steered him in the right direction and was glad to be rid of him for awhile so I could zero in on poor ole Dorothy.
"How long have you had vaginal bleeding?" I asked.
"John? John? Where is John? He will know dear," she answered.
"John went to the bathroom," I told her , which immediately gave her a need to go. After all, they were on the same schedule.
I walked her in and asked, " Are you two still having love-making stuff?"
"Of course dear," she said as she blushed.
Just at that time, I heard the over head page that an old man was lost. I knew it was John. So I had to hurry with my questions.
"When was the last time you did?"
She smiled and said," Last year, I think!" She remembered that! Wow!
John eventually showed up and when I told him that he couldn't spend the night, and that it was against hospital rules, he shook his cane at me and I went out to get him a lounger, pillow and blanket. They were soul mates and there was no way he would leave her alone.
I tried to think how my own hospital admission would go with my husband at my side:
"When did your bowels move last?" would ask the disinterested nurse.
"I can't remember. Do you honey?' I would ask my husband who would be playing with the TV remote.
"Remember what?" he would ask.
"She asked about the last BM honey," I would explain to him.
"I went this morning at 7 am," he would say.
He always remembers my birthday, which is close to his own. And our anniversary date is on a large clock by his desk in 6 inch letters.
So we are not perfect soul mates as Dorothy and John, but we do plan on taking a vacation and surprise the kids by leaving them home as we disappear for a whole week. We are planning to take our lap tops, which is what real couples do. This is oneness. Does life get any better than that?

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like Dorothy gave her life ove r to John for what ever reason.Not sure if John was just that controling or Dorothy depended on him for everything.Thank goodness it worked for them.Some times people just grow old together.As for me I was not willing to give up myself for a husband or relationship.GUESS that's why I am living alone now.At least I am not alone.Living alone is great.Have to many friends and family to be alone.What a joy to be able to make that choice for your self.
